Friday, August 12, 2016

Hanja Jungle On The Center

be sure and download The Center DLC from the steam store

Taming   5x
Gathering 4x
Experience 3x
Short Nights
cave flying allowed

679529026 Ipez Steampunk Mod,
539464369 Advanced Architecture Mod (Castles)
533828549 No Collision Check
618916953 Cute Hair 
519998112 Small Dragons
543859212 Auto Torches
572277026 Ark Advance 8.1
519536568 Big Rafts
655581765 Pimp My Dino
609380111 Stargate Mod
523235486 Paint Mixer
681259857 Conveyor Belt
592595740 Kibble Vending Machine
566885854 Death Helper

Monday, August 1, 2016

Long Load Times With Ark Mods

A lot of people have complained that it takes a long time to load into Ark servers with mods.  The issue seems to be more one of hardware than network issues.

With an SSD you can log into a sever with ten or more mods in 30 seconds.  With a mechanical hard drive it will take longer as you need to load the extra data.

I'm convinced computers will eventually come with only SSD hard drives, but until then people with mechanical hard dives may have to wait a few minutes to log in.